Natalia (Nika) Sorzano

Sissy-phus and the Mother Mountain

In this video piece I fictionalize and enact the myth of Sisyphus as a metaphor to comment on the LGBTIQ resistance history in Colombia. While LGBTIQ+ activist and organizations reclaim and gain basic human rights in response to their social struggle and protest, each government that comes in power scratches off their achievements.

In this film, Sissy-phus assumes different roles and encounters a series of characters and natural elements that represent the law, the politicians, the government, the state  and la Madremonte (the Mother Mountain) – a womxn, nonconformist mythological being that opposes exploitation and extractivism. By putting these myths in dialogue, I seek to question the different binary discourses that reproduce western thought and myth and criticize heteropatriarchal western power structures that operate in Colombian political history. With the mythological character of the Mother Mountain I reflect upon feminism, queerness, de-coloniality and disobedience as acts of resistance. Disobedience is in this case symbolized by acts of desorientation generated by the powers and spells of the Mother Mountain. Disorientation leads Sissy-phus to become-queer. 

In this piece, I also insert excerpts from historically relevant events displayed in Colombian news outlets of political statements made against LGBTIQ+ communities by political figures who have frustrated the recognition of full rights and citizenship. 
Collaborators: This work was made in conversation with trans activist and lawyer (RIP) Diana Navarro Sanjuan and feminist queer activist and academic Camila Esguerra.

This work has been shown in:

Prospects and Concepts, Rotterdam, 2020
Bitácora, Bogotá, 2019


Script – Diana Navarro Sanjuan, Camila Esguerra y Natalia (Nika) Sorzano
Music – Nika
Production, editing and directing – Natalia (Nika) Sorzano

This work was made with the support of BANFF Center for arts and creativity, CBK Rotterdam, Mondriaan Fonds (Young Talent Grant) and Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia.

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