Natalia (Nika) Sorzano

Office For Irrelevant Affairs
This performance piece addresses the experience that I underwent over four years as coordinator of LGBTIQ Affairs for the Colombian government. During this period, my team and I received cases of violations against the human rights of Colombian LGBTIQ+ social sectors. Together with activist organizations we created the foundations for a national public LGBTIQ+ policy that would orient how institutions across the state needed to operate in order to safeguard sexual minorities’ rights. However, once a new government took charge, everything we did, including the existence of the LGBTIQ+ office, was dismantled and archived. All the monitored cases and the information gathered through political dialogue across the country became insignificant for an emerging Christian supported right-wing government. 

 Through this performance, I de-construct official state documents of violent cases and convert them into a pluri-vocal narrative that moves between poetry, factual information and personal storytelling. Orbiting around a desk and an office cubicle, the main character intends to free neglected files entrapped in political unwillingness, while resisting three shadow-like characters. These embody the indifference of politicians, the weight of impunity, and the corruption that undermines the relevance of sexual minorities' lives.
This work has been shown in:

Garage Rotterdam, 2019
Salón Nacional de Artistas de Colombia, 2019


Performers in Rotterdam: Paula Chaves Bonilla, Raluca Croitoru, Santiago Pinyol and Clara J:son Borg.

Performers in Bogotá: Natalia (Nika) Sorzano, Liliana Vélez, María Vargas and Gustavo Romero.

This work was made with the support the Mondriaan Fonds (Young Talent Grant) and Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia. 
This performance piece was commissioned by curator Luisa Ungar for the exhibition Lenguajes de la Injuria, part of the 45th Salón Nacional de Artistas de Colombia, 2019.  

Special thanks to:

All the activists, LGBTIQ+ organizations and co-workers who supported the process of building the national public policy for LGBTIQ+ social sectors of Colombia from 2010 - 2014, among them Diana Navarro Sanjuan (RIP), Camila Esguerra, Caribe Afirmativo, Colombia Diversa, SantaMaría Fundación, Carlos Marín, Pedro Posada and Julián Vasquez.

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